
Uploading: The Launch

Update: Apparently this has now been posted on The RiotACT, a Canberra news blog. G'day RiotACTers (Rioters?)

This is a short film I made in 2005 for the Lights Canberra Action film competition - it pays affectionate tribute to the Public Service culture of Canberra, Australia's capital.

The competition is set up so that you have 10 days to make a film up to 7 minutes long which incorporates 10 events and/or locations that are given to you on the first day, kind of a treasure hunt in some ways.

This was my first attempt at animation and all things considered, it came up reasonably well. (imho)

Yes, it falls out of sync a little as it goes - this I can put down as much to the difficulties of converting something from Flash to a format of video suitable for YouTube.

Many thanks once again to the stars of the show - Leonard Low as Oliver le Grad, Kate Thomas as Millie Tante, Matt Thornton for the artwork and, well, me as Syd Cardigan.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy it - cheers

Tomorrow - blowing shit up - Canberra and fireworks