
Chilling: out

I submitted my final assignment for the semester (or "session" as they somewhat strangely call them) at 11.58pm on Friday night (which registered on their system as 0.03am Saturday, damn it). It was a website with a list of annotated references to articles and papers about using games in education. Check it out here if you like. (It's basic but there are a few interesting papers)

It's been a fairly intense couple of weeks - all my own fault, can't start working without a looming deadline, you know the drill - and so the sense of not having a stack of work to do on Saturday was entirely welcome.

I've crammed so much reading and so many ideas, all of a relatively serious nature, into my brain in the last few weeks that I decided to try an off-line (no computer) day on Saturday. I had a nice bike ride to brekky at a vego cafe (beautiful black rice porridge), made a massive pot of soup, cleaned up a little around the house and played a little guitar (my poor neglected guitar).

It was only when I got into the guitar that I succumbed and powered the Black Beast up, so that I could record my playing. (Yes, I truly am that awesome that my every note - including an extended time tuning up - should be saved for posterity. Well it sounded cool at the time and in that particular state of mind. Honest. I did also have the thought that even though much of it could well suck, it might be handy for sampling and remixing.) Recording through the microphone of a $10 headset wasn't as bad as I'd thought/hoped. Moved the computer off the desk as well after realising that it really is quite noisy and am now loving the extra space.

We had a bunch of people over for dinner and I rounded up the night watching the first 4 episodes of Wilfred (more on this later but it's one of the best comedies I have EVERRR seen).

More chilling on Sunday - reading the papers, getting ever closer to 100% completion on GTA: Vice City Stories (2 unique stunts and 1 rampage to go) and a little more pottering on the 'puter and then had a little much delayed quality time with the Pussycat, who'd been off surveying birds for work.

Wrapped it all up picking tunes for the radio show today, one of which will unfortunately not be Nina Gordon's snaggarific take on Straight Outta Compton (language issues) but tune in to Lost Highway (take 2) this Thursday and you might hear it. (Hip new Gippsland band The Negotiators have made the playlist however with the track Weeds)

It's so nice to have time to get stuck into all my left by the roadside projects.