
Returning: from the Tour

Originally uploaded by Couch media
Both the Tour Eiffel and "the tour" (the whole grand 6 week thang).

Amazing, just amazing. After a few early attempts to keep posting, it soon seemed more important to just be getting out there and getting into it, so apologies if you've been missing me but I'm sure you understand.

I'm still processing everything at the moment (and re-acclimatising) and I want to try to avoid boring people with endless banging on but I'll run through a story or two in posts to come. I'm also (slowly) putting pics up which are in the slideshow below.

In short, highlights:

U.K - London's hustle and bustle, the greenery, the history, trying haggis, Holyrood Park in Edinburgh, the Welsh countryside, Portmeirion (Wales, where The Prisoner was filmed), the Tate Modern, stumbling upon William Blake's grave

France - the food, the good looking people, the lush countryside, the considerate drivers (seriously), the very nice trains, the food, smooth wines, Rickard (an aniseedy apertif), the OTT grandeur of the chateaus, seeing Da Vinci's grave, visiting Oradour village war memorial, the anarchy of Paris traffic

Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.