
Working on : Brown Couch episode 3

For some reason I had it in my mind that Brown Couch episode 3 was a big pile of alternate clips and an unholy mess waiting for me to make some sense of, so when I finally got on with the job, it was fantastic to see that the whole 22 min show was broken up into 4 clips, all taken from the edit master. (Excuse the jargon - the edit master is the final tape of the show that was broadcast and given that this was all in SVHS - a step about standard VHS - and video technology has moved on somewhat since then, it's good to not have to use second or third generation copies).

Anyways, this is our take on the lifestyle genre - which was just in it's early days at the time but it has always begged to have the piss taken out of it. The recycled toilet paper gag I saw on one of the late night comedy shows fairly soon after - some say it was Vizard but I think it might have been Denton. Nice to see that our ideas were sound - ok, some of them.

There are three more to come.