
Keating!: The Musical 2

Ok, just a couple more things - if you've seen the show and would like the soundtrack, you can find it here.

Also, how could I forget a musical number featuring both Anthony Green and Kerry O'Brien? (This was pretty close to my favourite number - a scat tune about the 93 election coverage)

And one more thing, which is a little more poignant. This is one of my favourite Keating speeches - given on the evening of the 1993 election victory, known simply as the "True Believers" speech.

Thank you ladies and gentlemen. Well, this is the sweetest victory of all. This is a victory for the true believers: the people who, in difficult times, have kept the faith.

And to the Australian people, through hard times, it makes their act of faith all that much greater.

It’ll be a long time before an opposition party tries to divide this country again. It’ll be a long time before somebody tries to put one group of Australians over here and another group over there. The public, the public of Australia, are too decent, too concientious and they’re too interested in their country to wear those sorts of things.

This, I think, has very much been a victory of Australian values, because it was Australian values on the line and the Liberal party wanted to change Australia from the country it’s become: a cooperative, decent, nice place to live where people have regard for one another.