
iPad pwned by MadTV - back in 2006

It's a name that just begged to be messed with.

Jon Stewart is with me

I posted about a fairly under-reported but significant piece of American political news the other day - the Supreme Court decision to remove restrictions on corporate political campaigning.

Jon Stewart explains it much better than I ever could. (And sidekick Jon Oliver delivers a blindingly funny response celebrating the end of discrimination against corporations)

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Supreme Corp
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The big deal is really that for a bit over 100 years, corporations have enjoyed the same legal status as individual citizens.

Even Barack Obama is less than impressed.


Brother Ali - Uncle Sam Goddamn

I've been listening to this guy for a few weeks now - I knew he was from Minnesota but never realised that he was white. Not that it matters I guess - great tunes.

Update: I just noticed that poster image that YouTube decided to take from the video - not the most appealing one I know but the song is still well worth checking out (yo)